Eradication of Hazardous Child Labor in Bangladesh - Phase III:

Starting Date 2012-01-01
Ending Date 2014-01-01
Budget 5,50,000 Tk.
Fund Source GoB & ILO (International Labor Organization)
Remark To capacitate the child laborer for alternative hazardless source of income
Status Acomplised

School Drop Out Child laborer engaged in hazardous labor age ranging between 12-14 years.

Major Activities

1. Baseline surveillance conduction.

2. Identification of the children engaged in hazardous child labor.

3. Learning Centre establishment.

4. Centre Management Committee (CMC) formation.

5. Arranging Teachers Training (ToT), Teachers’ refreshers course and monthly meetings.

6. 18 (eighteen) months Non-Formal Education to the children.

7. 06 (Six months) Livelihood Skills Training.

8. Arrange Livelihood skills development training like tailoring & sewing, beautification, electrical works, candle making, paper bag making, stitching, block boutique, poultry rearing, vegetable cultivation, etc.

9. Arrange study circles among the learners and sharing sessions.

10. Arrange examinations among the learners.

11. Education materials distribution among the children of Ananda School’s (books, chalk, pencil, exercise book, school dress etc.).

12. Centre decoration materials (sign board, black board, mat, registrar book, cash book, resolution book, pen, chalk, duster, eraser, pencil sharpeners, roller etc.) distribution among CMC.

13. Stipend distribution among the learners

14. Monthly guardians meetings and school CMC meetings.

15. Reporting to the local administration on overall achievements of the project

16. Encouraging employer, guardians, local elite, social and religious leaders, teachers, etc. to send the child laborer to the learning centre.

17. Create education friendly environment to improve education status through arranging inter schools cooperation, visits etc. among the learners.


Targeted people

30 Number of Learning Centre and 450 Number of children educated.



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