Message Of The Founder

At this historical moment of launching organizational websites, I want to thank my colleagues, members’ ‍and well wishers of MBPC for their wonderful contribution towards the organization.

MBPC believes that independent media, generous democracy, righteous journalist, liberal human rights and effective GO-NGO-Community coordination are the pre-requisite for national advancement. We may not imagine a fruitful news industry without educated, well trained, responsible and conscientious journalists and professionals. Considering it, the club stresses on skills promotion and moral education of the journalists.

Our Moto is ‘Serving Humanity First’. The club is committed to fight for re-establish a positive and clean image of the news industry, journalists within the society and common peoples in Bangladesh. To do so, MBPC has been working with professional’s of news industries, NGO’s and CBO’s to provide a wide range of services for the betterment of their professional skills as well as socio-economic status.

Our activities contribute towards facilitating access, sharing information and knowledge, building capacity, raising awareness, enhancing reach

Historical Background of MBPC

Considering the impact of news industry towards national advancement and good governance, the news media is recognizes as the fourth pillar of a nation. To meet the demand of the age, there was a substantial increase in the number of print, broadcasts and online media as well as of the journalists in Bangladesh as well as in the world. They need proper professional education, training, logistic support and favorable environment to execute their duties and responsibilities with a level of satisfaction. But unfortunately, due to several causes, a big gap can be seen with an open eye between the expected and the actual situation on the relevant events. For instance, today the journalists as well as the news industries suffers today from the lack of professional skill promotion trainings &  scholarship programs, safe-guarding life, coordination between news industries and local administration and so on. The risks for the journalists are increasing day by day in the form of killing, torture, and harassment etc.

In Greater Mymensingh division, there are 6 district press clubs and 60 upazilla press clubs who are distinct and working as a sole agent. There was no professional forum for the journalist who organizes and brings those clubs under an umbrella. Considering the significance of effective networking among those clubs, Mymensingh Bivagio Press Club (MBPC) has stated its journey since 13 October’2015.

 MBPC is a non-political, non-government, professional journalists platform without any bias to any caste , creed  or endemic .  It’s a professional, social and charitable organization of the people who make,



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