Mission and vission

Mymensingh Bivagiyo Press Club is a leading professional and development organization for journalists affiliated by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. It’s a well established and highly secured platform for the professionals of the news industry.

It’s a professional, social and charitable organization of the people who make, cover and influence the news. Our mission is to serve as a primary resource for the journalism and communications industry whereas our goals are to advance understanding of the mass communications discipline, promote scholarship and professional excellence, facilitate communication between mass communicators and their respective publics and promote awareness of significant issues facing the mass communications field throughout the community.

It serves its members through activities that bolster their skills, through services that meet the changing needs of the global communications profession, and through social activities that build a vital media community in Mymensingh division as well as all over the country and  across the world. The Club is where news happens in the nation’s capital and is a vigorous advocate of press freedom worldwide.

Our members are the reporters, editors, news directors, anchors, columnists, professionals in advertising and public relations, and others who may be the sources of news. Moreover, we have developed an effective network with some NGO’s & CBO’s of Mymensingh division with the view to enhance better effort for its members as well as for the peoples of the local community. It is a true “umbrella” organization for those in the communications professions.



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